Open Letter of Apology to Paul
Dear Paul,
There is nothing I can say or do to adequately express my sorrow for what I have done to you and your loved ones. My act was many things some of which were selfish, cruel, hurtful, abhorrent, and detestable just to name a few. I have effected so many people and in no small way I believe that I irreparably changed the world by robbing her of all of your many virtues.
I’m sorry for taking you away from your family, I’m sorry for taking you away from your friends and loved ones. I’m sorry for robbing you of your beautiful life and your right to experience the beautiful milestones that life has to offer. You never had a wife who you can cherish and love and who would cherish and love you back, you never had children who you can watch grow and feel their unconditional love in return. I can continue but I know that you are more aware of all these things than I am.
I do want you to know that I am sorry for all of it and wish I knew what I can do to lessen the pain that I’ve caused to so many people if just a little bit. I want you to know that whatever positive actions I do, I do for you. I do these things to try to mitigate the world’s loss of you. I’m sorry for all the pain and suffering that I have caused your family and loved ones. I’m sure there’s nothing worse than loosing a child and I’m sorry for causing this pain to your mum and dad. I will continue to do the best that I can to bring positive influence into our world even though I know it will never match what you would have done.
One time a priest had asked a group of us a question, “Who would you most like to speak to in heaven?” Many people spoke of great figures in history or celebrities, etc. When it became my turn to share I responded that if I ever have the merit to achieve heaven I would like to speak to you. I would like to offer this apology face to face and tell you how truly sorry I am for all of the bad that I have caused.
Most Sincerely,